Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pre/post TEST

Pre/Post test

You will be taking a pre test to see where you are in your knowledge of technology and your computer skills. Don’t worry if you do not know how to do most of them.  It’s ok.  That’s why you are taking this class!!!  Follow the instructions for EACH section.   YOU DO NOT NEED A LOG IN!!  JUST START TYPING! IT IS TIMED

  1. Go to   
Follow the directions and take the tying test.  When completed, fill out the following info

 Words per minute (WPM)


Correct words

Wrong words

You are better than        % of all users 

Take the 11 question quiz.  Then hit the pink “submit test” button
At the top of the screen you should receive a score , highlighted in a pink box.  Record that score here  _______%

3.Open a blank word document.  You will type a paragraph (which consists of at least 5  sentences) to tell me about what you did this Winter Break.  This is a “paper” you would turn in to an English class.  Save and Print

4. Create a Power point presentation about your favorite animal.  (If you do not have one- pick a random animal).  The Power point should have at least 5 slides.   You will do research and tell me 5 interesting facts about that animal including 5 pictures. When you  have completed the  Power point, raise your hand

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